Torngat / La Petite Nicole
Album: La Petite Nicole   Collection:General
Artist:Torngat   Added:May 2009
Label:Alien 8 Recordings  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2009-05-10 Pull Date: 2009-07-12 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Jul 12 Jul 5 Jun 28 Jun 21 Jun 7 May 31 May 24 May 17
Airplays: 1 1 4 1 1 4 2 3

Recent Airplay
1. Jul 07, 2009: Hipster Garbage (sub)
Turtle Eyes And Fierce Rabbit
4. Jun 25, 2009: Jokers Wild
La Petite Nicole
2. Jul 04, 2009: Music Casserole
L'ecole Penitencier
5. Jun 24, 2009: orangeasm
Turtle Eyes And Fierce Rabbit
3. Jun 26, 2009: Hipster Garbage
6:23 Pm
6. Jun 21, 2009: Siring Freddie Sanchez's Children Over The Allstar Break
La Petite Nicole

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2009-05-08
Anticlock is a label out of Oklahoma that sends us, bar none, the best and most beautiful ambient, experimental, gothic songwriting musics in our library. That might be a mouthful considering we have Mute and 4AD and Nonesuch etc in our stacks, but give this a listen if you want pure ambient beauty. Not sure whats in the water in OK, maybe it’s the DGGS, maybe they appreciate life a little better and don’t take everything for granted like the spoiled rich assholes out here do. Regardless, this is the some of the best ambient creativeness to hit the afile since Music For Airports (wait, the classic rock asswipes in charge of kzsu didn’t have an afile back then and probably tossed that album). Shit talking aside, play this.

1) starts chill, ambient, builds to an ebbing and flowing dreamy ambience, builds to a more looping hypnotic drone/texture
2) guitar heavy looping, quite pretty
3) all the dreaminess of Harold
Budd or Eno, quality ambient off the scale
4)lovely ambience, not challenging, sparse guitar enters, why this isn’t at Terrastock I have no idea
5) this has a familiar feel that many of you would enjoy, guitar chords, lovely if brief with echoey outro
6) guitar prettiness with cool samples of noise that build into their own realm with time
7) strange loopy voc samps with sparse pretty piano and tones that become hypnotic

Track Listing
1. Interlude   4. Afternoon Moon Pie
2. La Petite Nicole   5. 6:23 Pm
3. L'ecole Penitencier   6. Turtle Eyes And Fierce Rabbit
  7. Going Whats What