You're A Liar / You're A Liar
Album: You're A Liar   Collection:General
Artist:You're A Liar   Added:May 2009

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2009-11-15 Pull Date: 2010-01-17
Week Ending: Dec 27 Dec 13 Dec 6 Nov 22
Airplays: 1 1 2 3

Recent Airplay
1. Dec 25, 2009: The Courtesy Flush - the tiger woods holiday spectacular
Title Track
4. Dec 02, 2009: Brownian Motion
Pt 2
2. Dec 12, 2009: Music Casserole
Kurt Russell
5. Nov 21, 2009: On The Warpath
Pt 1
3. Dec 04, 2009: Songsmith Sub
Kurt Russell
6. Nov 19, 2009: The Super Sweet Happy Fun Time Hour
Pt 2

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2009-11-03
Fans of Hella, Lightning Bolt, Rush on meth, Weather Report snorting Draino cut with coke. Guitar/bass/drums techie proggie mathy total rock out bash out extraordinaire. No vocals, FCC clean. Clean out your arteries with this stuff!! Very exciting, would probably give me a heart-attack to see them pull this off live. If you want to hear the indie rock/pop equivalent then pull out Heavy Vegetable’s “amazing adventures of undersea kitty” and take a listen. Amazing amazing stuff.

1) spastic, very brief intro
2) slight gallop, definitely mathy rockout maxmosus
3) halting start with charming 60Hz hum adding to the live in studio quality
4) bash out feel in intro but the main feel is white boy funky, last minute is a mellow rock outro, very different from rest but that’s how they wrap it up
5) what is this 19/27th timing? It’s the math-rock equivalent of diff-EQ’s , fortunately the song drops down to basic slow regular 4/4 to end with guess what?!! A brief drum solo, but alas they end with the diff-EQs (these guys just cant help themselves!)
6) slight funky feel but overall different, a more mellow “listenable” songlike approach… at least at first, then things get chunky and really really bashy fast! You kidding, you thought these fuckers were gonna give you a break? More and more intense rockin
7) more urgent rockin stuff, but more of just getting a point across than a whole song, breaks down to a stoney head nodder midway and stays that way, funky here and there, more of a track for people looking for something interesting but not wanting their set to go into the total bashout direction
8) genuinely mellow to start with a hook/melody that they hang with until the bashouts starts and the guitarist leans back on his cry baby…. Look out, comin’ to getcha!

Track Listing
1. Intro   5. Title Track
2. Pt 1   6. Singing Quietly
3. Pt 2   7. Kurt Russell
4. Big Bear   8. This Is Not An Exit