Gal*In_Dog With Charlotte Hug / Lift
Album: Lift   Collection:Classical
Artist:Gal*In_Dog With Charlotte Hug   Added:May 2009
Label:Edgetone Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2009-09-27 Pull Date: 2009-11-29 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Oct 11 Oct 4
Airplays: 2 2

Recent Airplay
1. Oct 10, 2009: lost and found
Tlet (Part Viii)
3. Sep 29, 2009: Memory Select [new Tuesday time!]
Atil (Part Ii)
2. Oct 10, 2009: Music Casserole
Citialin (Part V)
4. Sep 29, 2009: aspergers on hot dog buns
Atil (Part Ii)

Album Review
Truc Nguyen
Reviewed 2009-09-21
gal*in_dog with Charlotte Hug - Lift

Really really avant and out there stuff. A lot of screeching, banging random objects and a woman making weird noises. 1-2 are atl 3-6 are citialin and 7-8 are tletl. Some good noise, play it with GYBE. All tracks are probably of the same quality, so it's hard to choose. No FCC’s.

Reviewed by Truc

1. (6:04) Percussion and oh-oh-oh guttural sounds like a dying horse, squeaky desk chair sounds. Panting and screeching like monkeys that sounds almost sexual. Screwdriver sounds? Ending is really screechy, almost unlistenable.
2. (4:40)*** Ominous, tense strings give this track more uniformity, a bit of screaming.
3. (5:56) Angular screeches on stringed instruments with underlying lumbering pluckings.
4. (5:15)** Tapping drum,jingling and smashing sound. Scratching sounds intensify and come back like multiple orgasms. Somber strings. Scraping against metal at the end that’s really hard to sit through.
5. (6:19) Sounds like bird calls with same high pitched screechy metal sound and layers of noisy plucking. Prominent use of stringed instruments in the middle, lots of starting and stopping. Throaty male vocals featured. Power drill or sander is being used towards the end.
6. (8:14) Sounds like they’re picking up and putting down various metal objects or building something. Bass drumming and tapping. More plucking and sustained woobly sounds .This is the probably most accessible track or maybe I’m just getting used to it by now.
7. (6:02) Gear grinding, tapping and more plucking. Sounds like getting a root canal. Gasping sounds.
8. (4:29) Climactic ending with monkey sounding vocals and a lot of noise layers of pretty much everything mentioned before, fast screechy stringed instruments dominated that night.

Track Listing
1. Atl (Part I)   5. Citialin (Part V)
2. Atil (Part Ii)   6. Citialin (Part Vi)
3. Citialin (Part Iii)   7. Tletl (Part Vii)
4. Citialin (Part Iv)   8. Tlet (Part Viii)