Landed / Liver + Lungs
Album: Liver + Lungs   Collection:General
Artist:Landed   Added:Sep 2009

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2009-09-27 Pull Date: 2009-11-29
Week Ending: Nov 15 Nov 8 Oct 25 Oct 18 Oct 11 Oct 4
Airplays: 2 1 2 3 1 3

Recent Airplay
1. Nov 12, 2009: A2Z
Osama Oxycontin
4. Oct 21, 2009: Brownian Motion
Blow Your Burger
2. Nov 11, 2009: Brownian Motion
Osama Oxycontin
5. Oct 18, 2009: Gumdrop Freight Train
Osama Oxycontin
3. Nov 06, 2009: No Fo, $5 Surcharge Fee
Tip Of The Whip
6. Oct 17, 2009: lost and found
Tip Of The Whip

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2009-09-18
Sick and twisted noise rock, fucked up synths, bashouts, distorto vocals, irreverent themes (e.g Osama Oxy Contin, Fuck Seatbelts Fuck Ralph Nader), off-time beats, long tracks, just perfect for entertaining your Christian friends. Fans of sick old Throbbing Gristle, Rusted Shut, Psychic Paramount. All tracks great!

1) off time rhythm, menacing near-industrial, dark, “osama oxy contin” weirdness
2) dark start, launches into heavy sonic unrelentless pounding
3) slightly off kilter beat, sick sut heavy
4) noise, sick layers of evil darkness, noise rock beat appears ~3 min in, long plod that picks up again
5) radio friendly length, bashout noise rock friendly to drug addled ears, brains
6) heavy dark pounding and screaming, dissonance almost Swans-like, bashout galore, noodling

Track Listing
1. Osama Oxycontin   4. Creeping Hand
2. Dirty Bomb   5. Tip Of The Whip
3. Blow Your Burger   6. Fuck Seat Belts, Fuck Ralph Nader