Sujo / Columns
Album: Columns   Collection:General
Artist:Sujo   Added:Jan 2010
Label:Tilt Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2010-01-31 Pull Date: 2010-04-04 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Apr 4 Mar 28 Mar 14 Feb 14 Feb 7
Airplays: 3 1 4 7 9

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 28, 2012: The Drone's Zone. Bee Yourself.
4. Mar 30, 2010: Meet The Deadly Syndrome
2. Mar 31, 2010: Beatnik Bourgeoisie
5. Mar 25, 2010: orangeasm
3. Mar 31, 2010: Brownian Motion
6. Mar 11, 2010: orangeasm
Pillar, Salt

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2010-01-24
Three tracks of noise and tone washes, layers, masterful bliss out narcosis. Second track has a slow plodding beat so it borders on noise rock. Great masterful stuff. Fans of the usual suspects (Sunn, Olekranon, Orangasm’s finest).

1) fades in looping subtle electronic noise, builds into an industrial layer/amalgam, balm
2) a slow plod beat to this, heavy layers of tones and noise
3) very droney, textbook loops, hypnotic narcotic

Track Listing
1. Columns   2. Pillar
  3. Salt