Sankt Otten / Morgen Wieder Lustig
Album: Morgen Wieder Lustig   Collection:General
Artist:Sankt Otten   Added:Mar 2010
Label:Hidden Shoal  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2010-05-23 Pull Date: 2010-07-25
Week Ending: Jul 25 Jul 18 Jul 11 Jun 27 Jun 13 May 30
Airplays: 1 1 1 4 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 27, 2017: Clean Copper Radio
Ein Himmel Voller Galgen
4. Oct 03, 2012: Meow After Midnight
Das Bezahlte Lob
2. Jun 27, 2017: Forest for the Trees
Mein Freund Aus Koln, Ein Himmel Voller Galgen
5. Mar 27, 2011: kitty kill pony
Mein Freund Aus Koln
3. Jan 05, 2013: Music Casserole
Lustig, Lustig, Demain Encore Lustig
6. Jan 02, 2011: According To Esquire:The Best Of 2010
Das Bezahlte Lob

Album Review
mr. esq.
Reviewed 2010-06-06
as reviewed by mr. esq.

instrumental. krautrock,
think tangerine dream, klaus schulze=kinda new agey.
also elements of faust&cluster, blah blah.
atmospheric, cinematic, churchy.
this is sankt otten's 4th album.
sankt otten is:
stephen otten (programming, sampling, keys)
oliver klemm (guitar, keys)
extreamly recomended! burn copy for me -mach schnell!
recomended tracks*(besides whole thing): 1, 4, 6-9, 11.

*1. gorgeous. soaring synthes. cathedral organs.
2. eno. organ farting. chimes. militaristic drumbeat.
eventually dreamy. ominous end.
3. ping pongy. creepy.
*4 toy synth sound to heavy drums. cluster&carslike.
very repetitive. dronescape ending.
5. dark&droning. dark and stormy night at sea...
*6 BEST TRACK:seared synth in a cathedral.
ominous but peaceful.
*7 BEST TRACK II: dreamy, hypnotic, rolling.
sounds like the car is rolling
to an abandoned industrial zone.
(some mafioso's gonna get whacked.)
*8 vibes. seaside sounds. sad. wistful.
*9 BEST TRACK III: discoish. pretty cool.
10 tick tocky. pleasant.
*11 BEST TRACK IV: beautiful opening.
end sounds like insects. breeding?

Track Listing
1. Ein Himmel Voller Galgen   6. Das Bezahlte Lob
2. Mutter, Jazz Und Der Heilige Geist   7. Mein Freund Aus Koln
3. Mit Popcorn Und Champagner   8. Unser Mann Fur Das Happy End
4. Lustig, Lustig, Demain Encore Lustig   9. X Fur U
5. Fromme Lugen   10. Wenn Die Rechnung Nicht Aufgeht
  11. Ich Bin Dann Mal Oben