Untied States / Instant Everything, Constant Nothing
Album: Instant Everything, Constant Nothing   Collection:General
Artist:Untied States   Added:Mar 2010
Label:Distile Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2011-01-30 Pull Date: 2011-04-03
Week Ending: Apr 3 Mar 27 Mar 13 Mar 6 Feb 20 Feb 13 Feb 6
Airplays: 3 1 1 1 2 2 3

Recent Airplay
1. Apr 02, 2011: Music Casserole
Delusions Are Grander
Delusions Are Grander
2. Mar 29, 2011: anti-heroine
Delusions Are Grander, Wrestling With Entropy In The Rehabbed Factory
5. Mar 12, 2011: Music Casserole
Delusions Are Grander
Delusions Are Grander
6. Mar 04, 2011: No Waves In Paris
Unsilvered Mirrors

Album Review
mr. esq.
Reviewed 2011-01-21
as reviewed by mr. esq.

post punk/post rock indie/90's grunge revival(oh, it's comin'!)
fractured noise&spastic&angular&poppy -all in any given song.
and they make it work. more arty than poppy. and psychy.
RIYL: wire, soft boys/hitchcock, sonic youth, pixies, killing joke, catherine wheel, fugazi, dig, don'ts, ojos rojos, mudhoney, ride, syd, nirvana. (vox=very zander, all through album.)
SUGGESTIONS:(note:tracks tend to bleed into others) 1,3,4,7,9,10,11.

*1. ALMOST ALMOST BEST TRACK: tick tocking start ala gof4, killing joke, catherine wheel. totally rocks! sonic yout' noise/pop channel. could be fugazi tune.
2. britty ala wire. poppy in spastic sense. goes into fractured jam in last min.
*3. dreamy cathedral vox and org: beatlesque. get's barrety to.
bleeds into...*4. gets driving. very fractured stuff. pop group or a very poppy ubu.
5. this is very barret influ. very draggy druggy.
6. starts out like cage piano piece. then gets rocking ala pixies.
then it goes back to the drag. hints of devo.
*7. suicidey synth start, gits go grunge. neo-goth psych.
8. cagey piano start. psychy cathedral beatles. (trippin'...)
*9. BEST TRACK: start=rotary phone clicking...this fucking rocks!
*10 ALMOST BEST TRACK: rocks! very briity, kinda buzzcocks. soft boys. bleeds into...*11. still rocks! noisy&distorty. metallic.

Track Listing
1. Gorilla The Bull   6. Take Time For Always
2. Not Fences, Mere Masks   7. Bye Bye Bi-Polar
3. Unsilvered Mirrors   8. Wrestling With Entropy In The Rehabbed Factory
4. Grey Tangerines   9. Delusions Are Grander
5. These Dead Birds   10. Holding Up Walls
  11. Kowtow Great Equalizer