Millikan, Ann / Bulgarian National Radio Symphony Orchestra / Ballad Nocturne
Album: Ballad Nocturne   Collection:Classical
Artist:Millikan, Ann / Bulgarian National Radio Symphony Orchestra   Added:Jun 2010
Label:Innova Recordings  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2010-06-27 Pull Date: 2010-08-29 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Aug 8 Aug 1 Jul 11
Airplays: 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jul 29, 2013: Dinner With Hashtags
Trilhas De Sombra: Ii. Snow World
4. Jul 25, 2010: the velvet futon
Ballad Nocturne
2. Oct 20, 2012: Music Casserole
Trilhas De Sombra: Iii. Battling Oligarn Batrone
5. Jul 10, 2010: Music Casserole
Trilhas De Sombra: Iii. Battling Oligarn Batrone
3. Aug 01, 2010: the velvet futon
Landing Inside The Inside Of An Animal

Album Review
mr. esq.
Reviewed 2010-06-27
as reviewed by mr. esq.

ann millikan is a composer. she weaves many styles, but to the untrained ear -such as mine- it's contemporary classical, if tag is needed. millikan uses tonal&atonal modal languages.
there's jazz (which she originally studied/composed.)
and braziliaan&west african threads.
i wish i could describe this better, but i know nothing about this kind of music. which is so refreshing. because it's new to me.
so read the liner notes, ya' lil' snoots.
(lovely stories in the liner notes. i like stories.)
note: millikan attended san jose state!=local=fuck yeah!
note II: i would like to thank bug for giving this to me for review, as i was whining about derivative rock musicc i've been reviewing. i liked it very much. thank you.


*1.opens violins cutting glass. piano ominoussad.
there's hope coming in. moody all the same. the waves keep waving. it's very cinematic. noir love story. fall asleep...
(note; emanuele arciuli, piano.)
2. fantasy epic for children. through the looking glass, down the rabbit hole and all that.
*3. burny. great drones&shimmers so short. sounds like machine made sound at half point -but it's not! =best track.
*4. OH, IT'S BADASS TIME! it gets whirly. then it gets real calm. aww!: now i wanna sleep. (2nd half is beaut! =those violins.)
*5. FUCK #3 =THIS IS THE BEST TRACK! IT ROCKS! (no, really!)
are those buffaloes talking? the instruments sound like animals! oh my God=the title tells the truth!
middle sounds: oncoming headlights -look out, buffalo!
brutal digestion. watery. candles light themselves. bugles at the dawn. of an execution. or an annunciation. rattlesnake right there. beware. remindinng me of some 70's tv/movie score, but i can't quite pin it. whatever. it's great (and happy!) brazilian beat. now i'm thinking of mary tyler moore. am i in minneapolis now? nope. brazil-cum-italian western. gettin the whirlies again. and the end? it's all good. it's all good. goodnight now.

Track Listing
1. Ballad Nocturne   3. Trilhas De Sombra: Ii. Snow World
2. Trilhas De Sombra: I. Kira's Journey   4. Trilhas De Sombra: Iii. Battling Oligarn Batrone
  5. Landing Inside The Inside Of An Animal