Bathgate, Chris / Salt Year
Album: Salt Year   Collection:General
Artist:Bathgate, Chris   Added:May 2011
Label:Quite Scientific  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2011-12-04 Pull Date: 2012-02-05
Week Ending: Jan 22 Dec 25
Airplays: 2 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jan 18, 2012: The Fall of Math
Own Design
3. Dec 22, 2011: The Songsmith Show
2. Jan 17, 2012: AudioVault

Album Review
Reviewed 2011-11-20
Introspective, mellow folk-rock. Don’t play if you’re looking for something energetic, but this would work very well with a more chill or folk-influenced show. The instruments here are spare, to showcase Bathgate’s deep, whiskey-country voice. Doesn’t remind me of anyone, which is partly probably because I don’t really listen to folk but also b/c this is an original sound. No FCCs. Recommended 3, 7, 8, 10, 11 (esp. 3, 7, 10).

1. 4:51: downtempo, very folksy, diverse mix of instruments, inc. piano
2. 2:53: relaxed, interesting percussion, rather catchy
3*. 4:04: spare—just vocals and guitar for much of the song; lyrics = v. poetic, pretty
4. 2:34: kinda boring…
5. 4:20: melancholy, with a cool horn section in the middle
6. 3:44: repetitive
7*. 2:44: pretty cool guitar intro. Feels like everyone’s swaying as they wave their phones at a concert. But then picks up, turns into one of his more uptempo songs.
8*. 3:10: a good deal of a cappella here, which makes it really cool when the instruments come back in.
9. 4:39: really melancholy and downtempo
10*. 2:44: more uptempo and more instrumentals than on his other tracks. Great vocals: emotional and intense when the instruments pick up, but relaxed otherwise.
11*. 6:15: soothing, calm, with awesome horn section.

Track Listing
1. Eliza (Hue)   7. In The City
2. No Silver   8. Own Design
3. Poor Eliza   9. Salt Year
4. Levee   10. Time
5. Fur Curled On The Sad Road   11. Everything (Overture)
6. Borders   .