Lingouf / Doeme
Album: Doeme   Collection:General
Artist:Lingouf   Added:Nov 2011

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2012-02-12 Pull Date: 2012-04-15 Charts: Electronic
Week Ending: Mar 11 Feb 26 Feb 19
Airplays: 1 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Jan 26, 2013: Music Casserole
4. Feb 18, 2012: Saturday Morning Leftovers
Dormek, Facento Cent23
2. Mar 10, 2012: Saturday Morning Leftovers
Osmei, Toap-Sirop
5. Feb 15, 2012: maximum entropy
3. Feb 25, 2012: Saturday Morning Leftovers
Facento Cent23, Dormek

Album Review
kevin rouff
Reviewed 2012-02-04
Lingouf / Doème / Ant Zen / 2011

Eccentric experimental, interesting, never boring, with waves of sound some “frenchcore” pulsations to it. Puts to use synths sounds including chimes, violins, and distorted bass that gives a very futuristic feel to it all. They usually get pretty distorted halfway through.
Coming from Normandy, this guy adds a touch of insanity to his instrumentals, making them full of layered sounds, ominous, and somewhat catchy in a late-night-prowling way.

Similar Artists: Not sure. Maybe a much more industrial and futuristic DJ Shadow, only instrumental.
Favrites: 1, 3, 7, 8

1*: “Jacento Cent23” (5:31) - Violin gives a creeper feel to it all, very catchy with strong synths
2: “Rovo Dot Oftog” (7:59) - Distorted beats, a synth vampire tune
3*: “Dormek” (5:03) - First minute is a dreamy buildup, then a neat electro-poppy tune with a later break for violin and heavy distortion, imagine a walk in the park in 2030
4: “Oepema” (9:26) - Well my speakers may have blown out with the distortion halfway through. Tetris game on crack.
5: “Osmei” (7:58) - Opens with some northern-french in background, then into a fast paced murder-themed instrumental fit for a catacomb rave. adrenaline
6: “Pierroopoflonspaà So’çapem” (7:44) - Pulsating beats, very epic, a sort of sound I’d imagine to hear in somebody’s head under anger-management
7**: “Toap-Sirop” (6:01) - Eerie French opens. Creepy, I tell ya. Brainwashing children sound. Very interesting, electro experimentalism breaks out with his favorite distortion
* “Shroez” (5:56) - Airy buildup, nintendo sounds, distorted and drugged up. some neat strings later in song, not as much distortion. nintendo hooligans on a night in the underground parts of town
“Wiaoz” (9:35) - Keyboard, epic, very layered, fun theme song. Distortion erupts halfway, gets more and more intense and layered. Not for epileptics.
“Doème” (11:23) - This one has a lot of oomph in it, really full of crack adrenaline. Robots on whip-its. Crazy, off beat at times, returning to beat, taking new beat, distorted bass with synth croakings, similar to a BopIt!. Latenighters who want to wake people up-

Track Listing
1. Facento Cent23   6. Pierroopoflosnspaa So Capem
2. Rovo Dot Oflog   7. Toap-Sirop
3. Dormek   8. Shroez
4. Oepema   9. Wiaz
5. Osmei   10. Doeme