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Wed Jun 06, 2007 midnight - 3am 
Ron and CandyPlastic Situation
Inner City Sounds / Ubiquity Records
George Semper & Rhythm KingsIt's Your Thing
Inner City Sounds / Ubiquity Records
ParisLights, Camera RevolutionThe Devil Made me do it / Tommy Boy
Eddie MurphyBoogie in your buttBoogie in your Butt / MCA
Grand PubaLickshotLickshot / Elecktra
Tres DelinquentesIn your sideIn your side / Loud
Bob MarleyLively up yourselfBabylon by bus / Island Records
Beethoven, Ludwig VanPiano Concerto no 5-ALLEGROPiano Concerto No. 5 in E-Flat / Intersound Entertainment
SquarepusherFly StreetBudakhan Mindphone / Nothing
SquarepusherIambic 5 PoetryBudakhan Mindphone / Nothing
Scott TinklerCrank
Backwards / Extreme
Declared EnemyFlowers
Night Of 100001 Stars: A Tribute To Jean Genet / Rogue Art
Joel HarrisonEnd Time
Harbor / High Note
10 Ft. Ganja PlantChalwa
Presents / Roir