Share Playlist:
Tue Sep 04, 2001 9pm - midnight 
Raymond ScottBendix the Tomorrow People
Manhattan Research Inc. /
Calypso King & the Soul InvessInvestigator GrooveSoul Strike /
Butler, Wild ChildMaryanneSho' 'nuff /
Arnold, Billy BoyCryin' and Pleadin'Goin' to Chicago /
Debbie DaviesFired UpLove the Game /
the GreenhornesThe End of the NightEnd of the Night, the /
Ted Leo / PharmacistsParallel or Together?
Tyranny of Distance, the /
Little Pieces of Paper /
Bow RoethkeTallulah OwlWhat Was a Scare /
Raymond ScottGood Air
Manhattan Research Inc. /
K.Bad Day at Black Rock (RegulNew Problems /
Les SequellesMonstre a Go GoEt Tant Pis Si Cela Vous Depla /
Blonde RedheadSloganMelodie Citronique /
the Flying DutchmanBring It All DownPathfinder /
Raymond ScottIbm Mt/St "Paperwork Expl."
Manhattan Research Inc. /
TwigsTrouble Me TooEpicure /
ReservoirSlow BoatTape Op /
StereolabCaptain Easychord
Sound-Dust /
Mates of StateBeehive State7" /
Louisiana RedTell MeBadass Boppers /
Kim NalleyMillion Dollar SecretAny Woman's Blues /
Joe Louis WalkerSugar MamaDown the Dirt Road /
OdettaBourgeois BluesLookin for a Home /
Swell...A Velvet Sun
Everybody Wants to Know /
CoachCream Soda GirlPackage Deal /
Raymond ScottLightworks
Manhattan Research Inc. /
Citizen FishOver the FenceLife Size /
The EyelinersParty Til The Break Of DawnHere Comes Trouble /
SomsaraRebound Girl
Somsara /
BrainbombsNo Place
Brainbombs /
Congratualtions On Your ......Decision To Become A ...... Pilot /
CocoCocoCoco /
MandrillMandrillMandrill /
Raymond ScottB.C. 1675
Manhattan Research Inc. /
Jd & the Evil's Dynamite BandHeavy, Heavy...HeavyExplodes Across the Nation /
[coll]: False Object SensorAmps for Christ W/ ThronesFalse Object Sensor /
the FaintCall CallBlank-Wave Arcade /
John VandersliceSpeed LabMass Suicide Occult Figurines /
Piano MagicThere's no Need for Us to Be
Rocket Girl Compilatio /
Raymond ScottVicks Formula 44
Manhattan Research Inc. /
Screamin' Jay HawkinsI Put A Spell On You7" /
Ray Bryant ComboThe Madison TimeHairspray /