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Fri Apr 18, 2008 noon - 3pm 
Time Artist Track Album/Label
Robert Rich Insular
Open Window / Soundscape Productions
Burroughs, William S. William's Welcome Dead City Radio / Island
Blackcowboy Olives and Ice Cream / Blackcowboy
Duke Ellington Kinda Dukish Great Paris Concert, the / Atlantic Records (Jazz)
Duke Ellington Rockin' in Rhythm Great Paris Concert, the / Atlantic Records (Jazz)
Duke Ellington On the Sunny Side of the Str Great Paris Concert, the / Atlantic Records (Jazz)
Duke Ellington The Star-Crossed Lovers Great Paris Concert, the / Atlantic Records (Jazz)
Duke Ellington All of Me Great Paris Concert, the / Atlantic Records (Jazz)
Bjork Big Time Sensuality Greatest Hits / Elektra Records (West Coast)
Depeche Mode Walking in My Shoes (Grungy Walking in My Shoes / Sire Records (Modern)
Meracz, Thomas Vista Marbella / VC-Studios
Mazochi, Michael The Tides of Earth Deeds Volume 1: Until My Teeth Turn Into Sand ... / Roving Gambler Records
Watts, Alan On Being God / The Electronic University
Mazochi, Michael Introduction Volume 1: Until My Teeth Turn Into Sand ... / Roving Gambler Records
Mike Genius Simon Says Turbulen ... / MD
Studs terkel John Cage voices Of Our Time / High Bridge Audio
Edward Burlingame Hill Stevensoniana Suite No. 1, Op. 24, Mvt. 1 American Tone Poems / Bridge Productions
Edward Burlingame Hill Stevensoniana Suite No. 1, Op. 24, Mvt. 2 American Tone Poems / Bridge Productions
Edward Burlingame Hill Stevensoniana Suite No. 1, Op. 24, Mvt. 3 American Tone Poems / Bridge Productions
Edward Burlingame Hill Stevensoniana Suite No. 1, Op. 24, Mvt. 4 American Tone Poems / Bridge Productions
Ken Nordine Tears Wink / Asphodel
Fraser, Evan Insectious Groove Organica / Evandronix Sonix
Ken Nordine Cellophane Wink / Asphodel
Stearns, Brian Lullaby (2006) Odds & Ends / BRS
Stearns, Brian and The Kids The Jeanie Rock n' Roll Stars / BRS