Share Playlist:
Tue Sep 25, 2001 9pm - midnight 
Tony Allen and the Africa 70Progress
Jealousy / Progress /
Professor LonghairBig ChiefCrawfish Fiesta /
Sonny RhodesWin-Win SituationA Good Day to Play the Blues /
Little Miss JaniceScarred KneesWest Coast Guitar /
Etta JamesI Got You BabeTell Mama /
Nicola ConteBossa Per DueBreak 'n Bossa! /
LoveletterBarbaellaSongs for the Jet Set /
MilkyThe Emperor of OrangesSongs for the Jet Set /
WallpaperDreams that Money Can BuySongs for the Jet Set 2000 /
Town and CountryHindenburgIt All Has to Do with It /
Fred FrithOpen OceanClearing /
Caine, Hugh LeOrgan Experiement with PitchCompositions Demonstrations 19 /
Client/ServerMighty SunfishClient/Server /
DavkaThe GolemLavy's Dream /
Swell...A Velvet Sun
Everybody Wants to Know /
Climax Golden TwinsFranklyClimax Golden Twins /
the Philistines Jr.Annual Convention of Unemplo
Analog Vs. Digital /
the Philistines Jr.Analog Vs. Digital
Analog Vs. Digital /
StereolabCaptain Easychord
Sound-Dust /
the AfrosheensPolo Robots
Welcome to My Wonderful Show /
Smile Like DogSphinx LoveApple Juice Tv /
ColdcutAtomic Moog 2000Ninja Tune: Shadow Years /
T Evolution Control CommitteeCopyright Violation for theWhipped Cream Mixes, the /
Rufus ThomasTurn Your Damper Down7" /