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Tue Jan 07, 2003 midnight - 3am 
Anal CuntIn My Heart There's a Star NPicnic of Love / Off the Records
OpethMaster's ApprenticesDeliverance / Koch Records
Funker VogtFallen ManSurvivor / Metropolis Records
KompressorRappers we crushcrush television / kompressor records
MerzbowLooping Jane
Amlux / Important Records
HaemorrageTreasures of AnatomyAnatomical Inferno / Morbid Records
HaemorrageNecrotic GarbageAnatomical Inferno / Morbid Records
Tribute to Black SabbathSupernautString Quartet Tribute To, the / Vitamin Records
BongzillaGatewayGateway / Relapse Records
the FallenKillswitchFront Toward Enemy / Metal Blade
Kill Switch...KlickKeep on Laughing Until the CBeat It to Fit, Paint It to Ma / Cleopatra Records
VnvnationEpicentreFutureperfect / Metropolis Records
Assemblage 23Maps of RealityDefiance / Metropolis Records
Die KruppsParadise of SinRings of Steel / Cleopatra Records
Twisted Tower DireDying BreathIsle of Hydra, the / The Miskatonic Foundation
Buried InsideRacking the Skulls of Americ
Suspect Symmetry / Cyclop Distribution
Jello BiafraCowboy Cornholio & the Sunsh
Machine Gun in the Clown's Ha / Alternative Tentacles
R:D / None
the Dillinger Escape PlanCome to DaddyIrony Is a Dead Scene / Epitaph Records
CynycJunkPatient / (Unknown)
KmfdmUrban Monkey WarfareAttak / Metropolis Records
NileUnas Slayer of the GodsIn Their Darkened Shrines / Relapse Records
VaderTorch of WarRevelations / Metal Blade
the Hope ConspiracyThree Year SuicideEndnote / Equal Vision Records
Karaoke a Cappella / Active Suspension
WumpscutTroops Under FireWreath of Barbs / Metropolis Records
Hate Dept.DriveMeat-Your-Maker / 21ST Circuitry
Genitorturers120 Days120 Days of Genitoritures / I.R.S. (Metal)
MinistryJust One FixGreatest Fits / Warner Brothers (Modern)
Six Feet UnderFeasting on the Blood of theMaximum Violence / Metal Blade
Shredded CorpseNailed Open HoleExhumed and Molested / Wild Rags