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Wed Sep 01, 2010 noon - 5pm 
Time Artist Track Album/Label
Jam, The Start! Compact Snap / Polydor

Bauhaus Double Dare In the Flat Field / n/a
Bauhaus God in an Alcove In the Flat Field / n/a
Bauhaus Stigmata Martyr In the Flat Field / n/a

R. E. M. Radio Free Europe Murmur / IRS
R. E. M. Pilgrimage Murmur / IRS
R. E. M. Talk About The Passion Murmur / IRS

Roxy Music More Than This Avalon / n/a
Roxy Music Avalon Avalon / n/a
Roxy Music True to Life Avalon / n/a

Queen You're My Best Friend A Night at the Opera / n/a
Queen '39 A Night at the Opera / n/a
Queen Bohemian Rhapsody A Night at the Opera / n/a

Miles Davis So What Kind of Blue / Columbia Records (Jazz)
Miles Davis Freddie Greeloader Kind of Blue / Columbia Records (Jazz)
Miles Davis All Blues Kind of Blue / Columbia Records (Jazz)

The Clash Spanish Bombs London Calling / Epic Records (Modern)
The Clash The Guns of Brixton London Calling / Epic Records (Modern)
The Clash Revolution Rock London Calling / Epic Records (Modern)

Xtc That's Really Super, Supergirl Skylarking / Geffen Records
Xtc Ballet For A Rainy Day Skylarking / Geffen Records
Xtc Season Cycle Skylarking / Geffen Records

Beatles, The Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band / Capitol
Beatles, The A Day in the Life Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band / Capitol
Beatles, The With a Little Help From My Friends Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band / Capitol

Ramones, The Blitzkrieg Bop Ramones, The / n/a
Ramones, The Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue Ramones, The / n/a
Ramones, The 53rd & 3rd Ramones, The / n/a
Pink Floyd Speak to Me/Breathe Dark Side of the Moon / n/a
Pink Floyd Money Dark Side of the Moon / n/a
Pink Floyd Us and Them Dark Side of the Moon / n/a

Pixies Debaser Doolittle / 4AD
Pixies Wave Of Mutilation Doolittle / 4AD
Pixies Here Comes Your Man Doolittle / 4AD

Smiths, The Bigmouth Strikes Again Queen is Dead, The / n/a
Smiths, The The Boy With the Thorn in His Side Queen is Dead, The / n/a
Smiths, The There is a Light That Never Goes Out Queen is Dead, The / n/a

U2 Where the Streets Have No Name Joshua Tree, The / n/a
U2 I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For Joshua Tree, The / n/a
U2 With or Without You Joshua Tree, The / n/a

Joe Jackson Target Night And Day / A&M Records
Joe Jackson Steppin' Out Night And Day / A&M Records
Joe Jackson Breaking Us In Two Night And Day / A&M Records

Sex Pistols Problems Never Mind The Bollocks Here's The Sex Pistols / Warner Bros. Records
Sex Pistols Anarchy In The U.K. Never Mind The Bollocks Here's The Sex Pistols / Warner Bros. Records
Sex Pistols Pretty Vacant Never Mind The Bollocks Here's The Sex Pistols / Warner Bros. Records
Weather Report A Remark You Made Heavy Weather / Columbia Records (College
Weather Report Pallidium Heavy Weather / Columbia Records (College

Bob Marley & The Wailers Three Little Birds Exodus / Island Records
Bob Marley & The Wailers One Love/People Get Ready Exodus / Island Records
Bob Marley & The Wailers Jamming Exodus / Island Records

Nirvana Smells Like Teen Spirit Nevermind / n/a
Nirvana Breed Nevermind / n/a
Nirvana Lithium Nevermind / n/a

Steely Dan Black Cow Aja / n/a
Steely Dan Aja Aja / n/a
Talking Heads Crosseyed and Painless Remain in Light / n/a
Talking Heads The Great Curve Remain in Light / n/a
Talking Heads Once in a Lifetime Remain in Light / n/a

Cooper, Alice School's Out Best of Alice Cooper / n/a