Share Playlist:
Tue Nov 01, 2016 10pm - midnight 
Time Artist Track Album/Label
Theo Parrish Serengeti Echoes
Parallel Dimensions / Ubiquity Records
Carl Craig & Moritz Von Oswald Movement 4
Recomposed / Deutsche Grammophon
Kyle Hall Strut Garden
From Joy / Wild Oats
Moodymann Basement Party
Picture This / Scion Audio Visual
the User /
Symphony #2 / Asphodel

Christina Kubisch Ocigam Trazom Mono Fluido / Important Records
Holly Herndon Fade Movement / Rvng Intl.

Levantis Red Blocks
Romantic Psychology 1 / Technicolour
Future Sound of London Papua New Guinea Twitch Volume 5 / Twitch

Dryft Slalum Mytotyc Exyt / Component Records
Machinedrum Morphogene Ft. Ruckazoid
Human Energy / Ninja Tune
Upsilon Acrux In-A-Gadda-Devito
Radian Futura / Cuneiform Records
Horselover Fats Liberty Ashes
Libery Ashes / Northern Spy Records

Upsilon Acrux Propeller Last Train Out / Hactivist
Softest Hidden Guitar & Water Music
Hidden Guitar & Water Music / Inner Islands
Vakki Plakkula La Notte Pullula
Babirussa Capibara / Self
Dub Thompson Hayward!
9 Songs / Dead Oceans
Oneida & Rhys Chatham You Get Brighter
What's Your Sign? / Northern Spy Records