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Tue Nov 08, 2016 6am - 7am 
United Bible StudiesThe Dalesman's Litany / The Burning Sea
Ale's What Cures Ye, The / Mie Music
EnyaTempus VernumA Day Without Rain / Reprise Records (Modern)
Nordic Fiddlers BlocTalons Trip To Thompson Island
Deliverance / Hearth Music
Loreena MckennittThe Mystic's DreamMask and the Mirror, the / Warner Brothers (Modern)
EnyaA Day Without RainA Day Without Rain / Reprise Records (Modern)
Nordic Fiddlers BlocDeliverance
Deliverance / Hearth Music
Loreena MckennittPrologueBook of Secrets, the / Warner Brothers (Modern)
EnyaOne By OneA Day Without Rain / Reprise Records (Modern)
Nordic Fiddlers BlocIn The Lounge
Deliverance / Hearth Music
Loreena MckennittMarco PoloBook of Secrets, the / Warner Brothers (Modern)