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Fri Feb 02, 2001 12 - 3 am 
Matthew ShippNew OrbitNew Orbit /
Shipp, Matthew QuartetFrere JacquesPastoral Composure /
Shipp, Matthew QuartetFlow of XFlow of X, the /
Schlippenbach QuartetGlen FeshieHunting the Snake /
Archie SheppUjaamaRising Sun Collection /
Pharoah SandersSun in AquariusJewels of Thought /
El'zabar, Kahil/Ritual TrioMiles' ModeAfrica N'da Blues /
Italian Instabile OrchestraFellini SongSkies of Europe /
Not Missing Drums ProjectSoft ShoulderPosition/Dark/Red /
Brennan/Coleman/Wolfarth/ZimmnSimple Harmonic MotionMomentum 2 /
School DaysCounteractionCrossing Division /
Junk GeniusAngleGhost of Electricity /
Adam LaneDedicatedHollywood Wedding /
Vandermark, Ken/Sound in ActioThe ThingDesign in Time /
SurrealestateSix CirclesContrafactum /
Aaron Bennett1Live at Luggage /
Roth, Eric TrioAt DaerlyngishProgram 16 /
Eneidi/Spearman/Parker/KrallSilent ScreamLive at Radio Valencia /
Riley, Howard TrioQuantumSynopsis /
Iskra 1903903/1Nckpa /
[coll]: Extreme Music From AfrDeath LullabyExtreme Music From Africa /
Christopher DelaurentiSylvian's Wood
Infra Sound Collective /