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Tue Nov 11, 2003 9am - noon 
Time Artist Track Album/Label
Za'atar Ki Eshmera Za'atar / No Label
habrera hativeet daninos run barefoot / hed arzi
shlomo artzi avad hamamher triple collection 3 / hed arzi
David Krakauer Klezdrix A New Hot One / Label Bleu
Noa But Love Both Sides of the Sea / Mondo Melodia
sheva longing celestial wedding / nmc
los pasaros sefaradis potpuri damor kantikas para syempre / gozlem gazetecilik
Judy Frankel Tres Hermanicas Sephardic Songs of Love and Ho / Judy Frankel
Les Yeux Noirs Lodz
Balamouk / World Village
Gerry Tenney & B.A. Schreck Let Us Sing a Yiddish Song Let's Sing a Yiddish Song / Global Village Music
Margot Leverett Lustige Hasidim Art of Klezmer Clarinet, the / Traditional Crossroads
the Klezmatics Yo Riboyn Olam
Rise Up!/Shteyt Oyf! / Rounder Records
Fortuna Durme Durme
Dreamland / Putumayo World Music
Tanja Solnik Numi Numi
Dreamland / Putumayo World Music
consuela luz las estreyas dezeo / apricot
shlomo carlebach open the gates at the village gate / vanguard
Abby Rabinovitz The Spirit Moves We Used to Dance / Yamuna Records
Naftule's Dream So Nu Search for the Golden Dreydl / Tzadik Records
Dan Bern Jerusalem Dan Bern / Work
Vocolot Heart Beat Heart Beat / Oyster Albums
Etty Ben-Zaken Al Son De La Liebre Ladino Love Songs / New Albion Records
Rahel Jaskow Barukh El Elyon Day of Rest / (Unknown)
rachel garlin inevitably green light distance / tactile records
judith silver turn again the day will dawn again / first day
Dan Bern Thanksgiving Day Parade New American Language / Messenger Records