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Thu Mar 28, 2019 1pm - 2pm 
Filippo GambettaMariuAndirivieni / Felmay
Paco De LuciaLa CanadaMondo Flamenco / Mondo Melodia
Bellemou & BenfissaLi Maandouche L'auto1970's Algerian Proto-Rai Underground / Sublime Frequencies
Basel ZayedFarah
Ayn Trio / Basel Zayed

Alexander Illitch EpplerPlay, My BagpipeThe Lady / Flying Fish Records
Alexander Illitch EpplerThere is more than one road in the fieldBarinya / Flying Fish Records
Hafiz BurhanSevdim Vallah Sevdim BillahGreat Voices of Consta / Rounder Records
Hafiz BurhanNeva GazelGreat Voices of Consta / Rounder Records

KhaledChebba (Man City Mix)Chebba / Mango Records/Axiom
.Se Dam' Bonjou'Kassav' / C