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Sat May 11, 2019 5pm - 6pm 
Time Artist Track Album/Label
The Triumphs Surfside Date /

Odell Brown and the Organ-Izers Ain't That a Groove Mellow Yellow / Cadet
Hecker, Tim Is But A Simulated Blur Anoyo / Kranky
Marbled Eye Laughing Sound
Leisure / Digital Regress
Franco Tozzi Io non Posso Crederti 14 canzoni di Sanremo '66 / Fonit

Odell Brown and the Organ-Izers Quiet Village Mellow Yellow / Cadet
Xavier Cugat and his Orchestra Zombie (Bolero)/Manhattan (Cha-Cha-Cha) Cugi Cocktails / Mercury
L’epée Dreams (Extended A-Go-Go)
Dreams / A Recordings
Lisa/Liza The Matador Pt. 2
Momentary Glance / Orindal