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Thu Oct 28, 2021 9pm - 10pm 
09:00 pmStephen SteinbrinkI'm Never Changing Who You Are
Utopia Teased / Western Vinyl
09:05 pmConner YoungbloodBear River Migratory Bird RefugeCheyenne / Counter
09:09 pmPurple MountainsNights That Won't Happen
Purple Mountains / Drag City
09:15 pmLambchopNice Without Mercy
Mr. M / Merge Records
09:21 pmAdvance BaseEasy's Gettin' Harder Every DayWall of Tears & Other Songs I Didn't Write / Orindal

09:26 pmFree DustWilliams & Stetson (slow)Archive: Ash | Wave / Climate | Ripple / Patient Sounds
09:29 pmAdaScreen Door
Ada / Self-Release
09:36 pmAhmed Ag KaedyTikounenAkaline Kidal / Sahel Sounds
09:41 pmLed ZeppelinTea For OnePresence / Atlantic Records
09:51 pmWayne Horvitz Gravitas QuartetBerlin 1914Way Out East / Songlines