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Fri Feb 20, 2004 3am - 5am 
Time Artist Track Album/Label
Voltaire Brothers The Mother Ones I Sing the Booty Electric / Fall of Rome Records
Monsieur Leroc The Hunt PT.1
Oh La La! / Cornerstone R.A.S.
Voltaire Brothers Transparabolicwobblemegatron I Sing the Booty Electric / Fall of Rome Records
Monsieur Leroc Hawaii Bikini Inspector
Oh La La! / Cornerstone R.A.S.
Quintron Miniature Breakdown
Are You Ready for An Organ Sol / Rhinestone Records
Nonesuch Explorer Series Panpipe Ensemble
Peru: Kingdom of the Suh: Thee / Nonesuch
Djs of Mass Destruction War (If It Feels Good, Do It
War (If It Feels Good / Hip Hop Slam
Voltaire Brothers Trouble Man Everyday I Sing the Booty Electric / Fall of Rome Records
Son of a Bush (Dj Pone Baghda) Public Enemy
War (If It Feels Good / Hip Hop Slam
Clutch Space Grass Merlin Mix / DB
Clutch Big Fat Pig Magical Music from Merlin / DB
Clutch The Soapmakers Elephant Rider / Capital
Clutch Impetus Impetus / Capital
Clutch The Yetti Elephant Riders / Capital
Clutch Open UP the Border Pro Rock Fury / Capital
Clutch Open UP the Border Pro Rock Fury / Capital
Buckwheat Zydeco Ya-Ya Classics / Rounder Records
Chimmy Mack The Deadly Hovertical / Camouflage Space Records
Spearhead U Can't Sing Our Song Chocalate Supa Highway / Capital
D-12 Purple Pills D-12 / D-12
Infectious Grooves Fame Sarsipisus's Ark / Epic
D-12 ? ? / ?
Buckwheat Zydeco Ya-Ya Classics / Rounder Records
Infectious Grooves Don't Stop Spread The Jam Sarsipius's Ark / Epic
Chimmy Mack Beatbox Hovertical / Camouflage Space Records