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Fri Mar 01, 2002 fri 3-6 p.m. 
Previte, Bobby3 Minute HeelsToo Close to the Pole /
Lancaster/Pope/Crockett/MitcheSuite for TwoCimposium Volume 10 /
Heinz, Gunter/Lou GrassiFor Those Who KnowLive in Wuppertal /
Nabatov, Simon QuintetThe ShowMaster and Margarita, the /
BrokebackA BlueprintField Recordings From the Cook /
Matthew ShippNu-BopNu Bop /
Wright/Marsh/Rainey/Longberg-HSomething ElseDarkest Corner, the Most Consp /
Darren CopelandRendered VisibleRendu Visible /
the Music EnsembleEchoes Wind TranspireMusic Ensemble, the /
Miles DavisGreat Expectations [excerpt]Big Fun /
Romus, Rent/Life's Blood TrioOut to LunchBlood Motions /
Tom ZeChamegaJogos De Armar (Faca Voce Mesm /
DealershipModel MortalTv Highway to the Stars /
Evan ParkerLine 3 [excerpt]Lines Burnt in Light /
Christoph/Mosioblo GallioPanA Robert Filliou /
Futterman, Joel/Ike Levin DuoThe GiftPresent Gift, the /
President's BreakfastKeyholeIii C /
Damon SmithBass Boats and Bevan's BeerArtship Recordings 1 /
Lisick, Beth OrdealNancy DruidPass /
Bey, Faruq Z./Northwoods ImproMoors19 Moons /
Anoushka ShankarRaga DeshLive at Carnegie Hall /