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Wed Jan 01, 2025 8pm - 9pm 
Time Artist Track Album/Label
08:01 pm
08:05 pm Savalas, Telly You've Lost that Lovin' feelin' Telly / Rhino Records
08:08 pm the shins heartworm's the worm's heart /
08:09 pm dave bixby waiting for the rains ode to quetzlacoatal /
08:12 pm the Soft Boys Queen of Eyes Underwater Moonlight / Rykodisc
08:16 pm lloyd cole & the commotions you will never be no good lloyd cole & the commotions: 1984-1989 /
08:17 pm Nick Drake Horn Pink Moon / Hannibal
08:25 pm
08:25 pm Dexter Gordon In a Mellotone Tenor Titans / Storyville
08:36 pm Howard Keel Sobbin' Women Seven Brides For Seven Brothers/Royal Wedding / Mgm Records
08:39 pm shaun cassidy morning girl shaun cassidy /
08:43 pm Sam & Dave wrap it up Stax - Complete Stax Singles Vol. 7 / Atlantic Records (Modern)
08:44 pm Orson Welles Act III, scene 1 Julius Caesar /
08:45 pm maurice what I got, I got what I got, I got /
08:48 pm Stereophonic Sound Unlimited lino ventura the spacesound effect /
08:54 pm
08:54 pm parliament Funkentelechy Funkadelic vs the Placebo Syndrome / Aem Record Group
Moorpark Intersection I Think Ill Just Go and Find Me a Flower Soft Sounds For Gentle People, Vol. 1 / Pete Records