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Fri May 10, 2002 fri 3-6 p.m. 
Martin Medeski and WoodTake Me NowhereUninvisible /
Previte, Bobby/Bump the RenaisStingrayJust Add Water /
Michael BlakeMerle the PearlElevated /
Splatter TrioPythonSplatter Trio /
Splatter TrioDear JonathanAnagrams /
Paris ComboTrois Petits PointsAttraction /
Bruno, Tom/Sabir MateenGetting Away with Murder [excerpt]Getting Away with Murder /
TaoIle De GoreeTomorrow Night Gig /
Matthew WelchSymphony of Drones, Opus 44 [excerpt]Ceol Nua /
20 Minute LoopMompha Termina
Decline of Day /
Gauthier, Jeff GoatetteClea's BounceMask /
RovaCritical ThoughtPtow! /
Bonnie BarnettHusky DogLive at Roulette /
Cline, Nels SingersA Mug Like MineInstrumentals /
Ben/Schott/Dunn GoldbergPitchblendAlmost Never /
Joe GiardulloShadow and LightShadow & Light /
Gerd DudekPhase Three'smatter /
Thomas, Oluyemi/Gino RobairUpbuild [excerpt]Unity in Multiplicity /
Cline, Nels SingersGhost of the PinataInstrumentals /