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Wed Nov 03, 2004 6pm - 9pm 
Time Artist Track Album/Label
George Carlin America the Beautiful Class Clown / Little David
Rougeux/Negativland Happy as a Clam in the Land of Uncle Sam America the Beautiful (cd anniversary collection 1994) / RRR Records
Enemy Combatants Electile Dysfunction
Land of the Free / Standup!
Immortal Technique The Cause of Death Revolutionary Vol 2 / Viper Records
Butthole Surfers Florida Cream Corn from the Socket of David 12" / touch and go (?)
Zandosis Dick Cheney Bleeding
Z Vs. W / Old Gold
the Vandals Anarchy Burger (Hold the Gov Peace Thru Vandalism / Epitaph Records
Culturcide Your Whole Life Home Made Authority / none
Smile Like Dog Sphinx Love Apple Juice Tv / Benten Label
Joe Reed A love song (he touched me) have you kissed any frogs today / House Top
Wolf Eyes Black Vomit
Burned Mind / Sub Pop Records
Schedule II Pat Robertson Meltdown Music / Ergot
Burroughs, William S. A Thanksgiving Prayer Dead City Radio / Island Records
Grae-Com Build the Bomb America the Beautiful (cd anniversary collection 1994) / RRR Records
Cassetteboy Fly Me to New York (Featurin Parker Tapes, the / Barry's Bootlegs
National Lampoon Fasten Your Seatbelts
Thats not Funny...Thats Sick! / Uproar Records
Tangela Tricoli Jet Lady
Jet Lady / Arf Arf Records
King Missile Another Political Poem
Royal Lunch / Important Records
the Dick Panthers Tunnel of Love
Would Like to Congratulate You / Self Release
Boredoms House of Sun
Seadrum/House of Sun / Warner Alliance
David Cross My Immigrant Mom Talks Funny
It's not Funny / Sub Pop Records
Khanate Skin Coat
Wfmu Live From New Jer / <No Label Info>
Secret Chiefs 3 Hypostasis of the Archons
Book of Horizons / Mimicry Recordings
Cataract Killing Tool
With Triumph Comes Loss / Metal Blade
Ninnaum Morbid Appealing Process of Life Seperation / Crash Music
Estuary Riding the Tides of Malice To Exist and Endure / Ibex Moon Records
Unearth The Great Dividers
Oncoming Storm, the / Metal Blade
William Shatner I Can't Get Behind that
Has Been / Shout! Factory
Dead Kennedys Night of the Living Rednecks Give Me Conveneince or Give Me / Alternative Tentacles
Jello Biafra with the Melvins Dawn of the Locusts
Never Breathe What You Cant Se / Alternative Tentacles
Bill Hicks Drugs Have Done Good Things Relentless / Ryko
Tippy Canoe Why Must I Be...
Sneak Peek: a Sampling of The. / <No Label Info>
Sam Phillips I Dreamed I Stopped Dreaming
A Boot and a Shoe / Nonesuch
Lenny Bruce Dirty Toilet What I Was Arrested For-the performances that got lenny bruce busted / Douglas
Digger & the Pussycats Save Yourself
Young, Tight & Alright / Spooky Records Australia
the Brentwoods Do the Bug with Me Do the Bug with Me / Telstar Records
Coffin Lids Coffin Lips Rock N Roll
Coffin Lips / Bomp/Voxx/Ubik/Alive
the Dt's Proud Man
Hard Fixed / Estrus Records
Holly Go-Lightly Til I Get Girl in the Shower / Super Electro Sound Recor
Four Rogues The Ralphie Party Party Party / Arf Arf Records
Slade Mama Weer All Crazee Now Sladest / Reprise Records (Metal)
Saul Williams Grippo
Saul Williams / Fader
Enemy Combatants Masters of War
Land of the Free / Standup!