Your Old Droog / 207
Album: 207   Collection:Hip-hop
Artist:Your Old Droog   Added:Jun 2019
Label:Mongoloid Banks  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2019-10-18 Pull Date: 2019-12-20 Charts: Hip-Hop

Album Review
Reviewed 2019-06-27
(CLEAN) 13. Your Old Droog - 207 - Mongoloid Banks: [80 BPM] Playful wordplay from Droog. You know its gonna be fun when Droog’s first bars start with ‘got a grey poupon full of grey goose/getin lit early batches being ram sacked/album full of choice literally jam packed/ tambourine is shakin is like garlic and adobo on a damn track/ living like a hobo on an amtrack.’ The production is mellow 90’s style sample style loops with a laid back bassline up front tambourine and a floating oboe sample for the hook. Keeping in line with the transportation theme from the LP and tying in the title of the track, the last minute of the song the music fades out and it is basically subdued sounds of the 207 train coming out of Coney island. – M-SMOOTH

Track Listing
  1. 207