Djll, Tom / Smudge
Album: Smudge   Collection:General
Artist:Djll, Tom   Added:Nov 2008
Label:Soul on Rice Productions  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2009-02-08 Pull Date: 2009-04-12 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Mar 8 Mar 1 Feb 15
Airplays: 3 1 3

Recent Airplay
1. Mar 07, 2009: On The Warpath
4. Feb 28, 2009: Lost and Found
2. Mar 07, 2009: Scatterbrain Radio
5. Feb 14, 2009: Music Casserole
3. Mar 04, 2009: The Heart of KZSU
6. Feb 13, 2009: Memory Select

Album Review
Reviewed 2009-02-01
Electronics experiments, some created with trumpet as the sound source. Lots of metallic sci-fi kinds of sounds; fields of ominous pulsing; nervous high-pitched doodling. Occasional long stretches of near-silence. To relate it to painting: This isn't Jackson Pollock; it's more like a few Mark Rothkos overlaid irregularly. Smoothed sheets of sound create big, solid spaces. Cool experimental stuff from a cool local guy.

1- High shimmer, like a cicada army. Gradually descends into quiet, nearly silent spaces
2- Brusque rubber-band sounds from trumpet. Some harsh blowing sounds. Collage of louder noises near the end.
3- Grand, fuzzy blasts: Trumpet altered into a buzzy fanfare. Then some metallic noodling. Ends big and loud.
4- A noisy, bumpy ride at first. Calms down for some recognizable trumpet against a variety of tones. Ragged, abrasive ending.
5- A 15-minute suite of different sounds. A raspy, slow burn. Abrupt cut to a deep metallic pulse, then sparse stretches of modified trumpet groans. Second half gets pretty quiet. Calm ending.
6- Very, very quiet: Small whines and groans.
7- Shimmering drone with some slow doom chimes. After about four minutes, harsher, high tones suddenly take over, like a flying saucer taking off. Then more slow mystery electronics: A big palette, blobular, pulsing.

Track Listing
1. Oxide   4. Exfoliate
2. Flake   5. Split
3. Schizy   6. Covalents
  7. Patina