Various Artists / Bummer Bitch
Album: Bummer Bitch   Collection:General 7"
Artist:Various Artists   Added:Mar 2012

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2012-05-26 Pull Date: 2012-07-29
Week Ending: Jun 17 Jun 10 Jun 3
Airplays: 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 15, 2012: Last Verses*
Bummer Bitch
3. May 30, 2012: meow
Bummer Bitch
2. Jun 08, 2012: Down Here on th' Farm
Bummer Bitch

Album Review
Hawkeye Joe
Reviewed 2012-05-18
Nawdude (side A):
1) "Bummer Bitch" - a slow, dirge-y simple plea for help. lotsa nasty words at end!!*FCC*
2) "Cutting Up Men" - sludge-like screaming-to-the-point-of-bladerunnercore and/or 'thud metal'. Laden with cussin' but vocals are SO indiscernible, it's hard to tell, except at the end. HxJx's pick-to-click! *FCC*
3) "Autistic Viking" - Short, fast , profanity-heavy rant. Therapy must come cheap for these guys, I guess .*FCC*
Fleshilights(side AA):
1) "Bummer Bitch" - much of the same tone as the a-side version, but with a way faster tempo, screaming Grrrl vocals, and, IMO, much better. Nothin' waif-y here. Mister! Same nasties at end of song! HxJx's pick-to-click!*FCC*
2) "Waves" - Chunky, guitar-driven punk-rock. NOT the Patti Smith tune. Not too bad, but not too good, either. Could be a Jan and Dean song, but who knows? Hardly anyone will like this except myself, (maybe) Mr. Esquire, and that damaged groupie caller of yours that just got out of Elmwood and "wants to hook up". Or even you.

Track Listing
 ArtistTrack Name
1. Naw Dude Cutting Up Men
2. Naw Dude Bummer Bitch
3. Naw Dude Autistic Viking
4. Flesh Lights Bummer Bitch
5. Flesh Lights Waves