Jerusalem In My Heart / Mo7it Al-Mo7it
Album: Mo7it Al-Mo7it   Collection:World
Artist:Jerusalem In My Heart   Added:Mar 2013
Label:Constellation Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2013-03-16 Pull Date: 2013-05-19 Charts: Reggae/World
Week Ending: May 19 May 12 May 5 Apr 28 Apr 21 Apr 14 Mar 24
Airplays: 3 3 2 2 2 3 3

Recent Airplay
1. Sep 24, 2015: subwoofer etc
3andalib Al-Furat
4. May 16, 2013: Mediterraneans
Koll Lil-Mli7ati Fi Al-Khimar Al-Aswadi
2. Feb 10, 2015: Arabology
Koll Lil-Mli7ati Fi Al-Khimar Al-Aswadi
5. May 13, 2013: The Sunset Life (Post-PACC)
Yudaghdegh El-Ra3ey Walal-Ghanam
3. May 16, 2013: Arabology
Yudaghdegh El-Ra3ey Walal-Ghanam
6. May 09, 2013: The Sunset Life

Album Review
Ramzi S.
Reviewed 2013-03-14
--All Tracks are FCC CLEAN—

Jerusalem In My Heart, or JIMH, is the musical alias of Radwan Ghazi Moumneh, a Lebanese musician from Quebec where he has made a name for himself within the independent music scene of that city. Moumneh is known for mixing a love for music “with 16mm film projections and light-based (de)constructions of space.” His debut album Mo7it Al-Mo7 [Circumference of the Ocean] is set to be released on March 19 by Constellation Records and it marks the first official time that he has tried to translate his highly visual live show to a studio recording.

**1. Koll Lil-Mali7ati Fi Al-Khimar Al-Aswadi [Tell the Woman in Black] : Old classic made popular in 1973 by Sabah Fakhri set to new style, chanting of well known verses in Arabic music. (2:55)
2. 3andalib Al-Furat [Nightingale of the Euphrates]: Ambient, bird sounds, calm instrumental with Oud sound prevalent. (9:47)
3. Yudaghdegh El-Ra3ey Walal-Ghanam [The Sheppard and the Sheep] Haunting tune with witty lyrics about glorifying the Sheppard instead of the sheep. (3:22)
4. 3anzah Jarbanah [A Sick Goat] Title literally means ‘A Goat with Scabies.’ Mesmwing tune with mixed incomprehensible vocals, like a dubbed choir song. (6:34)
5. Dam3et El-3ein [Teardrop] Instrumental showcasing the sitar sound. (5:10)
6. Ko7l El-3ein, 3emian El-3ein [Mascara on a Blind Eye] Instrumental, slow and captivating. (3:56)
**7. Amanem [Lamentation] Begins with the traditional ‘Aman’ lamentation then includes chants in Arabic that sound like a Muslim prayer. (8:53)

**My faves: 1 and 7

Track Listing
1. Koll Lil-Mli7ati Fi Al-Khimar Al-Aswadi   5. Dam3et El-3ein
2. 3andalib Al-Furat   6. Ko7l El-3ein, 3emian El-3ein
3. Yudaghdegh El-Ra3ey Walal-Ghanam   7. Amanem
4. 3anzah Jarbanah   .