Tecumseh / Violet
Album: Violet   Collection:General
Artist:Tecumseh   Added:Oct 2014
Label:Anti-Matter Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2014-10-17 Pull Date: 2014-12-19
Week Ending: Nov 2 Oct 26
Airplays: 3 1

Recent Airplay
1. Nov 01, 2014: Music Casserole
Final Last, Last Light
3. Oct 29, 2014: Brownian Motion
Serenade For The Dead
2. Oct 30, 2014: The Sunset Life
Final Last, Last Light
4. Oct 22, 2014: Brownian Motion

Album Review
Lester G.
Reviewed 2014-10-15
Drone metal of the highest caliber. Tecumseh is a trio from Portland that gives Sunn O))), Boris, and early Earth a run for their money. Structurally identical to 2011’s “Return to Everything” but far more dense and, yeah, “epic.” The perfect soundtrack to slow-motion footage of your parents’ house burning down (not that you had anything to do with that…)

1. (3:48) a mellow opener, calm ambient drones and eerie guitar loops; a grating, dissonant e-bow cuts in on the left channel, sounding not unlike a flat-lined heart monitor.
2. (12:57) chill ambient tones give way to a mudslide of massive distorted power chords, stripping doom metal to its barebones essence.
3. (11:39) eerie minor harmonies with ethereal reverb, builds incredible tension until the distortion finally builds up in the final third.

Track Listing
1. Final Last, Last Light   3. Vincennes
2. Serenade For The Dead   .