Tetuzi Akiyama & Anla Courtis / Naranja Songs
Album: Naranja Songs   Collection:General
Artist:Tetuzi Akiyama & Anla Courtis   Added:Oct 2014
Label:Public Eyesore  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2014-10-31 Pull Date: 2015-01-02
Week Ending: Nov 9
Airplays: 2

Recent Airplay
1. Jan 20, 2022: LOOPS & COILS (rebroadcast from Jan 16, 2022)
Mind Mochileros
4. Nov 06, 2014: Meow
Mind Mochileros
2. Jan 16, 2022: LOOPS & COILS
Mind Mochileros
5. Nov 05, 2014: minimum entropy
The Cítrico Vibe
3. Mar 11, 2017: Music Casserole
Springs & Strings

Album Review
Reviewed 2014-10-30
– General Description: very slow acoustic guitar imitating the sounds of the koto, biwa, and yamatogoto (aka wagon); okay if you're stoned
– FCC Compliant: YES
– Track Reviews:
1. * (14:39) Mind Mochileros - very slow; 'mochileros' translates as 'backpacker', strumming and plucking of chords, widely spaced, some dissonant some not, pitch bending
2. * (5:25) Springs and Strings - very slow; dissonant widely spaced tonal exploration, grating electronic-like tones start at 2:15
3. * (8:44) The Citrico Vibe - slow; citrico translates as 'citric', repetitive low peddle tone makes the piece sounds like it's humming
4. * (10:59) Los Frets Nomades - slow; bell-like tones with syncopated rhythm and sliding sounds on strings for a fuzzy tone that gets louder at 4:00 and proceeds to get pretty annoying as though listening to a bad fuse box in a Brothers Quay animation

Track Listing
1. Mind Mochileros   3. The Cítrico Vibe
2. Springs & Strings   4. Los Frets Nómades