Tv On The Radio / Seeds
Album: Seeds   Collection:General
Artist:Tv On The Radio   Added:Nov 2014
Label:Harvest Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2014-11-14 Pull Date: 2015-01-16
Week Ending: Jan 18 Jan 11 Jan 4 Dec 28 Dec 21 Dec 14 Dec 7 Nov 30
Airplays: 5 3 4 4 2 3 6 5

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 28, 2024: KZSU Time Traveler
4. Feb 05, 2022: training test
Careful You
2. Mar 10, 2023: KZSU Time Traveler
5. Oct 22, 2021: KZSU Time Traveler
3. Jul 22, 2022: KZSU Time Traveler
6. Dec 04, 2020: KZSU Time Traveler

Album Review
Reviewed 2014-11-14
This is the 6th studio album from Brooklyn indie rockers TV on the Radio. It is really really great. A lot of variety in the styles on each track, from loud synthy rock, to ambient instrumental bits, to super soulful, to the characteristic bluesy rock. It is really awesome start to finish. Keep it coming TV on the Radio!!

Recommended Tracks: 1, 2, 4, **5**, **7**, **11**, 12

1. (3:58) Quartz - Crazy polyrhythms, kind of remeniscent of tUnEyArDs in that respect, then put Tunde's awesome voice over the top...strong opening track to be sure.
2. (5:12) Careful You - This one has a huge driving synth sound and some french lyrics, don't worry most of them are in english. I love his phrasing so much. This track is great.
3. (4:02) Could You- Upbeat rock'n'roll.
4. (3:03) Happy Idiot - This is another one with some electronic feel, but it is definitely more rock oriented than track 2. This chorus is the best hook yet.
5. (4:42) Test Pilot - Mid tempo, a little more distorted instrumentation, but probably my favorite lyrics so far. Fast verses, great falsetto and harmonizing on the chorus.
6. (4:21) Love Stained - This one reminds me a lot of Ted Leo actually. Some more synth, very mellow even though the beat is kind of fast.
7. (6:29) Ride - Slow build with some piano and some ambient sounds in the background...then strings build in...and about minute 2 everything else builds in and this song rules. Mid tempo rock anthem. This is a driving song.
8. (4:23) Right Now - Mid-tempo electronic rock.
9. (3:41) Winter - Guitar fuzz, this one is a great gritty rock track with that soulful/bluesy vocal.
10. (3:37) Lazerray - Uptempo rock, nod your head.
11. (4:34) Trouble - Strummy acoustic guitar, mid-tempo, steady beat, another great build at the chorus.
12. (4:45) Seeds - Title track, another one with weird instrumentation that totally works. Super interesting to listen to, almost chanty at the chorus. Mid-tempo.

Track Listing
1. Quartz   7. Ride
2. Careful You   8. Right Now
3. Could You   9. Winter
4. Happy Idiot   10. Lazerray
5. Test Pilot   11. Trouble
6. Love Stained   12. Seeds