Rin Larping / Stratum
Album: Stratum   Collection:General
Artist:Rin Larping   Added:Oct 2015
Label:Full Spectrum  

Recent Airplay
1. Oct 17, 2015: BravoMarco Variety Show

Album Review
Reviewed 2015-10-08
Rin Larping

Reviewed by BravoMarco

Solo project from Lindsey Smith & mastered by Andrew Weathers (Smith also has collaborated on AW’s projects). Full of experimental manipulated drone delight, as you would expect. Rin Larping has delivered a masterly release from within a genre that is constantly raising the bar. Another strong title from the Full Spectrum label.
Dark X factor, with a scathing bass clarinet taking centre stage. All tracks are unhurried with a particular sense of sorrow.
All good: In Particular: 1,2,3,6 - Like: Andrew Tomasello, Laura Cetilia, Psywarfare

No FCC’s (All Instrumentals)

1) ORO (3.00) Eerie loud opener, a zombie ship announcing its arrival into port.
2) ANYEN (8.14) Winter has descended & it’s bleak. Painfully slow with delicate undertones throughout, tone changes mid way with neo folk tendencies.
3) PITI (1.35) Various rustling underneath a lavish drone. 20 minute version next - Please.
4) FE MAL (3.50) Strummed guitars given the treatment.
5) PARE (3.29) Measured guitars again to the fore. Higher pitched manipulations.
6) SEDE (3.24) Harsher drone, uneasy yet so appealing.
7) DES (6.31) Effected guitar. Slow strumming builds to a medley of sound, which then tails off.

Track Listing
1. Oro   5. Pare
2. Anyen   6. Sede
3. Piti   7. Des
4. Fe Mal   .