Spoon / Girls Can Tell
Album: Girls Can Tell   Collection:General
Artist:Spoon   Added:Jan 2016
Label:Merge Records  

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 19, 2024: The Library
Lines In The Suit
4. Jul 30, 2023: None
Take A Walk
2. Feb 28, 2024: The Library
The Fitted Shirt
5. Jul 27, 2023: Stop Making Sense
Everything Hits At Once
3. Aug 20, 2023: Brady's Dimension of Ultimate Sound
Take A Walk
6. Jan 12, 2023: The Library
Lines In The Suit

Track Listing
1. Everything Hits At Once   6. Anything You Want
2. Believing Is Art   7. Take A Walk
3. Me And Bean   8. 1020am
4. Lines In The Suit   9. Take The Fifth
5. The Fitted Shirt   10. This Book Is A Movie
  11. Chicago At Night