Lorna / London's Leaving Me
Album: London's Leaving Me   Collection:General
Artist:Lorna   Added:Jan 2016
Label:Words on Music  

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Album Review
Francis D
Reviewed 2016-01-25
“London’s Leaving Me” Lorna
Lorna is a six-piece band based in Nottingham, England and led by husband and wife singer/songwriters Mark Rolfe and Sharon Cohen-Rolfe. The band performs precise, melodic, slow-core indie-pop and folk that even while making liberal use of strings and other orchestral elements sometimes borders on lo-fi. “London’s Leaving Me” is Lorna’s fifth album, and it’s full of lovely, personal ballads and jangly indie pop with sharp, thoughtful lyrics and lush harmonies. RIYL: Belle & Sebastian or Camera Obscura. A lot of really beautiful songs in this nine-track collection.
— Francis

Recommended: 1, 2, 6, 5, 9 No FCCs detected.

1. (5:08) Like Alastair Sim – Sustained soundscape. Chiming guitar. Fragile, crystalline harmonies. Orchestral elements and drums layered in over time. References the late Scottish actor Alastair Sim. ****
2. (4:05) Wayne Mills – Mid-tempo, catchy indie pop. Great bass line. Jangly guitars. Strings. Synth flourishes. Clarinet and trumpet in lead break. Wayne Mills is apparently a neighbor in Nottingham. ****
3. (3:18) Atlases – Slower and more pensive. Guitar in a lower register. Gentle tapping of the drum complements the soft harmonies.
4. (3:15) In Amber – Ringing guitar interlaced with strings, woodwinds and the Rolfe’s delicately harmonized vocals.
5. (4:13) Smothered in Hugs – Cover of Guided By Voices song. Lo-fi vocals with the Rolfe’s trading off the lead at times. Acoustic guitar accompaniment. ***
6. (4:44) London’s Leaving Me — Mid-tempo indie pop-rock. Nice snare beat. Layers include ringing guitars, dynamic bass line, strings, and vocals. Catchy melody. ****
7. (4:26) Bigger Than Sound (And Greater Than Us) – Great interplay between swelling strings, ringing guitars and drums. Builds to big ending with some brass support.
8. (4:33) St. Mary – Almost hymn-like, reverential. Halting rhythm, chiming guitar, and breathy lo-fi vocals. Very slow tempo.
9. (4:04) You, Me, and the Holy Ghost – Slow and stately. Elegant closer with beautiful, rolling waves of sound and exquisite harmonies. Long, subtle, almost droning trail-out. ***

Track Listing
1. Like Alastair Sim   6. London's Leaving Me
2. Wayne Mills   7. Bigger Than Sound (And Greater Than Us)
3. Atlases   8. St. Mary
4. In Amber   9. You, Me, And The Holy Ghost
5. Smothered In Hugs   .