Spoon / Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga
Album: Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga   Collection:General
Artist:Spoon   Added:Jul 2016
Label:Merge Records  

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 19, 2024: The Library
The Underdog
4. Nov 03, 2022: The Library
The Underdog
2. Mar 20, 2024: The Library
The Underdog
5. Oct 20, 2022: The Library
The Underdog
3. Feb 10, 2023: KZSU Time Traveler
Don't You Evah
6. Aug 22, 2022: Good Times with Alex
The Underdog

Track Listing
1. Don't Make Me A Target   6. Eddie's Ragga
2. The Ghost Of You Lingers   7. The Underdog
3. You Got Yr. Cherry Bomb   8. My Little Japanese Cigarette Case
4. Don't You Evah   9. Finer Feelings
5. Rhythm & Soul   10. Black Like Me