Battaglia, Stefano / Pelagos
Album: Pelagos   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Battaglia, Stefano   Added:Nov 2017
Label:Ecm Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2017-11-26 Pull Date: 2018-01-28 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: Jan 28 Jan 7 Dec 31 Dec 17
Airplays: 1 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jan 26, 2018: Traditions
3. Dec 28, 2017: No Cover, No Minimum
2. Jan 06, 2018: Old Fart at Play
4. Dec 14, 2017: No Cover, No Minimum
Lamma Bada Yatahannna

Album Review
Tom McCarter
Reviewed 2017-11-23
Reviewed: 2017-11-23
Genre: Jazz
FCCs: none
Review: a former accomplished classical pianist has been pursuing his own jazz muse for over a decade. This is his first solo endeavor and the results are striking. Both meditative and engaging, he is constantly improvising on this ambitious double disc set.
If You Like: Keith Jarrett, Ralph Towner, Django Bates
Track Review (favorites denoted by *):
(DISC 1)
1/ Destino (6:20) - slow chords start> slow tempo> fade
*2/ Pelagos (10:12) - slow tempo switches to midtempo> fade
*3/ Migralia (12:24) - shimmering notes starts & crescendo> midtempo beautiful melody swings uptempo> fade
*4/ Lamma Bada Yattathanna (4:51) - slow & quiet start> slow tempo swings to midtempo> quick fade
*5/ Processional (5:24) - off-kilter clunky notes> slow tempo builds to midtempo> quick stop
6/ Halap (8:39) - midtempo with flurries of notes swings uptempo> quick stop
7/ Dogon (1:47) - short off-kilter clunky uptempo> quick stop
*8/ Life (10:59) - quiet slow start> beautiful midtempo melody slows to a slow tempo & swings back> builds in intensity> long slow fade

(DISC 2)
9/ Lampedusa (7:08) - slow 7 quiet start> slow & contemplative> stop
*10/ Hora Mundi (14:07) - cascading notes> midtempo slows to slow tempo> shift to heavy chords> slow tempo with light dancing notes over the top> stop
11/ Lamma Bada Yattathanna (variation) (3:37) - midtempo & quick fade
12/ Exilium (9:24) - slow & steady chords start> builds to midtempo with heavy notes, percussive feel> quick stop
13/ Migration Mantra (11:34) - pretty midtempo melody> fade
*15/ Horgos E Roszke (6:45) - slow tempo start swings to midtempo & slows again> fade
*16/ Ufratu (5:37) - midtempo> beautiful melody> fade
*17/ Heron (5:37) - slow & stuttering, playing internal strings (I think) swings to uptempo, almost percussive sounding> slows to stop
*18/ Brenner Tocatta (7:42) - slow & quiet start swings to uptempo & fades

Track Listing
1. (Disc 1) Destino   10. Hora Mundi
2. Pelagos   11. Lamma Bada Yatahannna (Variation)
3. Migralia   12. Exilium
4. Lamma Bada Yatahannna   13. Migration Mantra
5. Processional   14. Horgos E Roske
6. Halap   15. Utratu
7. Dogon   16. Heron
8. Life   17. Brenner Toccata
9. (Disc 2) Lampedusa   .