Say Bok Gwai / Trio/Chinese Jesus
Album: Trio/Chinese Jesus   Collection:General
Artist:Say Bok Gwai   Added:Feb 2018
Label:Edgetone Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2018-02-16 Pull Date: 2018-04-20
Week Ending: Apr 1 Mar 25 Mar 11 Mar 4
Airplays: 1 2 1 4

Recent Airplay
1. Mar 31, 2022: A Night on the Roof (rebroadcast from Mar 1, 2018)
4. Mar 22, 2018: Sound Landscapes
Once Upon A Time In Chinatown
2. Aug 09, 2021: A Night on the Roof (rebroadcast from Mar 1, 2018)
5. Mar 21, 2018: Brownian Motion
Stoner Chino
3. Mar 28, 2018: Brownian Motion
Stoner Chino
6. Mar 07, 2018: Brownian Motion
Heavy Metal Sewing Circle

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2018-02-15
Local Chinese American band. Mostly balls out thrash punk. But a mixed bag including some dissonant plod rock and even some strange attempts at prog jazz/prog rock (ironic?). From Bandcamp: “Say Bok Gwai is San Francisco's first Chinese American hardcore band, melding two distinct cultures into a completely unique sound… original compositions are rooted in American punk/thrash/hardcore music and sung primarily in Cantonese… subject matter ranges from Chinese American identity to grappling with traditional Chinese values and down with "the man" aesthetics.”

1-3) FCCs 4)* (0:30) full on thrash 5) (0:40) upbeat 2/4 hardcore punk 6) (1:50) 2/4 gallop punk, ends with slow chorused dirginess 7) FCCs 8) (1:03) rockin slow part then fast screamy punk 9) (0:12) blazing fast bried 10) (0:15) blazing with grindy vocs 11) (1:14) slow doomy start then blazing punk, slow fast slow thing 12) (1:03) punk gallop, shifts between the pop punk ska thing and back 13) (0:18) brief blast 14) (0:27) punk blast 15) (0:55) rip roaring disjunct punky mess 16) (1:29) 4/4 driving insolent punk 17) (1:49) 2/4 punk gallop beat, insolent punk 18) FCCs 19) (2:13) mathy beat, sax prog returns, but tighter, crashes into dissonance 20) (2:05) huh? This is prog jazz, saxaphones, electric piano and that style drumming, but theres something off, flubbed notes here and there, makes this rather twisted and weird, almost comical 21)* (5:36) slow dissonant plod, early Swans bass, chantlike vocs, doomy

Track Listing
1. Department Of Wealth And Beauty   12. Lazier
2. Heavy Metal Sewing Circle   13. Duck Clay Pot
3. Mark Fiore   14. What Kinda Game You Playin?
4. Obamachrist   15. Toe Jue
5. Ota   16. Saan Hou
6. Once Upon A Time In Chinatown   17. Gambaru
7. Fuck Your Ancient Chinese Secret   18. Kiss The Goat
8. Culture Not Borders   19. Do Some Job!
9. Ojos   20. Jazz Guitars For Few
10. Venu   21. Stoner Chino
11. Vegan Death March   .