Various Artists / A Day In The Life - Impressions Of Pepper
Album: A Day In The Life - Impressions Of Pepper   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Various Artists   Added:Mar 2019
Label:Impulse Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2019-04-02 Pull Date: 2019-06-04 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: Jun 9 May 26 May 5 Apr 21
Airplays: 1 1 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Aug 17, 2024: Everything
A Day In The Life
4. May 03, 2019: old fart at play
When I\'m Sixty-Four
2. Jun 04, 2019: Clean Copper Radio & Hot Topics
Getting Better
5. Apr 19, 2019: Old Fart At Play
With A Little Help From My Friends
3. May 25, 2019: Music Casserole
Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite
6. Apr 18, 2019: The Emerging Artist Network
Good Morning Good Morning

Album Review
Tom McCarter
Reviewed 2019-03-29
Reviewed: 2018-03-29
Genre: Jazz
FCCs: none

Track Review (favorites denoted by *):
1/ Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (2:54) – horns start with crowd noise> midtempo jam> morphs into wild, spacey, & loud jam, then mellows, then swings back up> quick stop
**2/ With A Little Help From My Friends (5:09) -guitar starts> midtempo jam with distorted guitar> tempos vary> quick fade
*3/ Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (5:57) – vibes start slow, builds to midtempo jam> beautiful interplay between guitar & vibes builds into uptempo spacey jam> crescendo & fade
**4/Getting Better (4:25) – quick shout> bass/sax start> midtempo jam with warbling sax up front> soaring sax solo> rocking midtempo jam> quick fade
*5/ Fixing A Hole (4:43) – heavy piano chords start> rocking uptempo piano trio jam> piano solo shifts gears several times> uptempo jam> quick stop
*6/ She’s Leaving Home (5:38) – drums/percussion starts> midtempo jam with trumpet on top> trumpet solo morphs into mellow midtempo jam> slows to fade
***7/ Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite (8:39) – harp starts slow> slow duet with bass> joined by flute, midtempo jam> slows to slow jam, then swings back up to a full band jam with horns> s*9/ x & trumpet intersect> quick fade
*8/ Within You Without You (5:17) -heavy chords start> slow heavy jam with sax over the top> builds in volume & intensity> sax solo soars to the heavens> slow jam to fade
*9/ When I’m Sixty-Four (3;23) – uptempo piano solo with ragtime/New Orleans vibe> quick stop
10/ Lovely Rita (4:30) – full band starts with loud crescendo> rocking uptempo jam> rocking piano solo> heavy guitar solo> bass solo> rocking uptempo jam> quick stop
11/ Good Morning Good Morning (5:23) - percussion starts> uptempo jam with heavy percussion morphs into uptempo jam with horns up front> sax solo> full band wild uptempo jam> quick fade
12/ Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) (1:47) – drums/piano start> midtempo jam builds to uptempo jam, builds in volume> slows to fade
*13/ A Day In The Life (4:50) - bass starts> spacy midtempo jam with electric piano, percussion, & ethereal chorus swings uptempo> melody shift> uptempo jam mellows to midtempo> dissolves into transition to midtempo jam & fade

Track Listing
 ArtistTrack Name
1. Antonio Sanchez Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
2. Mary Halverson With A Little Help From My Friends
3. Makaya Mccraven Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
4. Wildflower Getting Better
5. Cameron Graves Fixing A Hole
6. Keyon Herrold She's Leaving Home
7. Brandee Younger Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite
8. Onyx Collective Within You Without You
9. Sullivan Fortner When I'm Sixty-Four
10. Miles Mosley Lovely Rita
11. Shabaka & The Ancestors Good Morning Good Morning
12. Antonio Sanchez Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)
13. Juju Exchange, The A Day In The Life