Calledout Music / In Due Time (Genesis)
Album: In Due Time (Genesis)   Collection:General
Artist:Calledout Music   Added:Sep 2019
Label:Hfp Music  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2019-10-07 Pull Date: 2019-12-09
Week Ending: Dec 15 Dec 8 Dec 1 Nov 17 Oct 27 Oct 20
Airplays: 1 2 1 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
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Move to the Rhythm (feat. Triple O)
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More, Thank You

Album Review
Reviewed 2019-09-26
CalledOut Music/In Due Time (Genesis)/HFP Music

CalledOut Music, aka Samuel Nwachukwu, is a Nigerian born gospel artist residing in the UK. This album is easy to listen to and contains a variety of musical stylings from, smooth ballads, R&B, funky pop, Afro-beats, and gospel, but he transitions between these styles effectively and effortlessly. His vocals draw you in for their sweetness and simple sincerity. If you like the vocals of J.R., Uncle Reece, Limoblaze, or Christon Gray you will like this album. Favorite tracks are 3, 4, and 7. No FCCs. Reviewed by Daniel of LJH.

*1) 3:47 - Med tempo. Bass guitar (with a lot of reverb), piano, heavily modulated snares and hi-hats, and either a clarinet or a flute overlaying the kick drum.
*2) 4:01 - Med/slow tempo. Funky. Organ/synth and bass guitar overlaying the drums. What sounds like an electric guitar, played in staccato, rounds out the musicianship of this song. Music modulates up an octave (seems like a signature)
*3) 5:40 - Slow tempo. Electric guitar, piano, drums, along with what sounds like a knocking or clicking sound in the background (an actual instrument, I'm almost certain) at certain points in the song - these create a very powerful moment.
*4) 3:52 - Slow tempo. Snapping sounds for snares, violins, piano - quite simple instrumentation, but another powerful song.
5) 2:49 - Slow tempo (ONLY SPEAKING - DO NOT PLAY). Piano, synthesized piano overlays and modified drums well-hidden in the background behind the message.
*6) 3:40 - Slow/med tempo. Heavy, emphasized kicks in the drum sound, piano and some post-production effects (which almost sound like a really pitch-bended piano sound).
*7) 4:08 - Med/fast tempo. Reggae groove; drums, bass guitar, piano, snares, and possibly that flute again.
*8) 4:33 - Med tempo. Piano faded in and out of mix along with the modified drum kit but the kicks still hit hard; modified electric guitar or horn sound.
*9) 2:37 - Med tempo. Horns, bass guitar and marching-style toms in the drum playing. Again, listen carefully for the flute/woodwind.

Track Listing
1. The Last Breath   5. In Due Time
2. More   6. Found In You
3. You Are My God   7. Love Around
4. Heaven   8. Move To The Rhythm
  9. Thank You