Barnett, Courtney / Things Take Time, Take Time
Album: Things Take Time, Take Time   Collection:General
Artist:Barnett, Courtney   Added:Feb 2022
Label:Mom + Pop  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2022-03-23 Pull Date: 2022-05-25
Week Ending: May 22 May 8 May 1 Apr 24 Apr 17 Apr 10 Apr 3 Mar 27
Airplays: 1 2 3 1 1 2 5 2

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 15, 2024: Hanging in the Boneyard
It I Don't Hear From You
4. Jan 26, 2023: Down in the Basement
It I Don't Hear From You
2. Dec 28, 2023: down in the basement
Write A List Of Things To Look Forward To
5. Jan 19, 2023: Down in the Basement
Rae Street
3. Apr 20, 2023: down in the basement
Before You Gotta Go
6. Oct 08, 2022: Hangin In The Boneyard
It I Don't Hear From You

Album Review
Mr. Bones
Reviewed 2022-02-26
Influenced by two years of Australia's strict Covid lockdown, Barnett turns down the grunge dial on her 4th release in order to present an introspective look at life. Gone too are the anxiety laden lyrics over things like men who kill women, replaced with commentary about the little things in life that bring joy. Sonically the disk is fairly minimalist, with producer Stella Mozgawa's drums (Warpaint) and a bass to accompany CB's tantalizing deadpan vocals and light guitar work. Taken as a whole some may find the disk formulaic but there are a number of outstanding tracks that would brighten any indie oriented show.

RIYL: Patti Smith, Leonard Cohen

1 Rae Street - classic CB, hypnotic observation on the start of day (slow, 4:31)***
2 Sunfair Sundown - groovy organ & guitar behind this dream-pop track about buying a
house (med, 2:45)**
3 Here's the Thing - melancholic lament about one's beaux being away (slow, 4:28)
4 Before You Gotta Go - fun & uptempo with nifty melodic lead guitar (med, 3:46)***
5 Turning Green - funky percussion & bass make this a joy to listen to (med, 4;19)***
6 Take It Day by Day - mild punk vibe (fast, 1:51)**
7 If I Don't Hear From You Tonight - opening up to new love with trepidation with drop
dead beautiful break (med, 3:38)***
8 Write a List of Things to Look Forward To - captivating guitar intro (fast, 2:48)***
9 Splendour - slow & somber (slow, 2:15)
10 Oh the Night - talk/sing over a simple piano (slow, 3:44)

Track Listing
1. Rae Street   6. Take It Day By Day
2. Sunfair Sundown   7. If I Don't Hear From You Tonight
3. Here's The Thing   8. Write A List Of Things To Look Forward To
4. Before You Gotta Go   9. Splendour
5. Turning Green   10. Oh The Night