Joy, Mia / Celestial Mirror
Album: Celestial Mirror   Collection:General
Artist:Joy, Mia   Added:Feb 2024
Label:Self Release  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2024-04-28 Pull Date: 2024-06-30
Week Ending: Jun 30 Jun 9 Jun 2 May 19 May 12 May 5
Airplays: 1 1 1 1 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 24, 2024: Virtually Happy
4. May 18, 2024: Buford J. Sharkley Presents: As Told to Hervey Okkles
More Green
2. Jun 08, 2024: Buford J. Sharkley Presents: As Told to Hervey Okkles
More Green
5. May 06, 2024: Virtually Happy
4th of July
3. Jun 01, 2024: Music Casserole
More Green
6. May 04, 2024: Music Casserole
That's a Lie

Album Review
Alex Strong
Reviewed 2024-02-12
Mia Joy is from Illinois and started making music in 2016. Album (really a short EP) consists of 4 songs. Ambient and slow; Lots of reverb, vocals are very light, like having a good trip high while in an echo chamber. Like a more reverb female more ethereal Lord Huron.

Favorites: 4
No FCCs.

1. Alive (1:08) = Voice and reverb defines the style for rest of the album low key; harmonies quite nice. Also introduces the big themes about the falseness of everything.
2.* More Green (3:40) = very ethereal at first, much like 1; twangy guitar + drums kick in about 0:45 (adding a lot of life to the album); gently swells around 2:15 and finishes by 3:00. Ends smoothly. Vocals are the most audible of all the songs. Our trip is going well.
3. 4th of July (2:59) = starts with a good kick drum with an off axis beat, vocals act as an instrument. Gets slow and cascading. You start thinking about the good times with your ex on your trip - bitter sweet.
4. That's a Lie (4:37) = Gentle electric guitar, vocals around 0:35. slowly swells to around 3:00 - its a lie is repeated quite often in the same ethereal way. Ends tinkling bells, guitar fades out. You're falling asleep from your trip. Last 3 seconds are science.

Track Listing
1. Alive (1:09)   3. 4th of July (2:59)
2. More Green (3:41)   4. That's a Lie (4:37)