Various Artists / America the Beautiful
Album: America the Beautiful   Collection:General
Artist:Various Artists   Added:Mar 1994

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 24, 2024: Virtually Happy
4. Nov 18, 2010: Oh-So-American [Grandstand]
History Lesson
2. Apr 12, 2023: Virtually Happy
Come Into the Future
5. Oct 29, 2008: Brownian Motion
The Beatles Ruined Everythin
3. Mar 31, 2011: American Grandstand
History Lesson
6. Oct 06, 2005: Baptism of Solitude
History Lesson

Track Listing
 ArtistTrack Name
1. Rougeux/Negativland Happy As a Clam in the Land
2. Kings of Feedback Fuck America
3. Barry Dalive Choakin' the American Chicke
4. Mono Pause Come Into the Future
5. Amk Forever Only
6. Vampire Rodents Bosch Erotique
7. John Wiggins Zappa Map: God Bless Frank Z
8. Thomas Dimuzio Yard
9. St 37 New Arrival
10. Mandible Chatter Dead White American Pelvis
11. Idea Fire Company Pure Joy
12. Gregg Turkington Recipes and Reflections
13. Chop Shop 4X4
14. Luxurious Bags Filling Station Fix
15. Grae-Com Build the Bomb
16. Small Cruel Party 1860/30.XII. Birds Explore
17. Hands to Kin Tozo
18. Tac What Do You Do
19. Slughog Hangman
20. Randy Grief History Lesson
21. Out of Band Experience Bonerland
22. Faxed Head American Phenomena: the Wire
23. Lee Ranaldo How Much Needs Crushing
24. Neil Hamburger That's My Life
25. Phil Milstein Louie
26. Borbetomagus Fur Mutti
27. Horse-Cow How the Other Half Lives
28. Commode Minstrels in Bull Face Wild Sandferrier's Owymee Cr
29. Goosewind Intro Screaming/Lawn Otis
30. Easy Goings, the My Compromise
31. Philip Perkins Untitled (Atb)
32. Blowhole Divinings
33. Shrilltower Song for the Immigrant Labor
34. Specula Can't We All
35. Nisi Period The Beatles Ruined Everythin
36. Nicolas Collins Lightning Strikes not Once
37. Haters, the Climate Antenna
38. Crawling with Tarts Dream of the Fallen Soldier
39. Con Demek Piece of Earth, Pt. 2
40. Scott Marshall & Mark Giangran Vichy, U.S.A.