Sumlin's, Hubert Blues Party / Hubert Sumlin's Blues Party
Album: Hubert Sumlin's Blues Party   Collection:Blues
Artist:Sumlin's, Hubert Blues Party   Added:Apr 1994
Label:Black Top  

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 29, 2024: blues with a feelin
Hidden Charms
4. Dec 10, 2011: blues with a feelin
How Can You Leave Me, Little, Living the Blues
2. Nov 16, 2019: blues with a feelin
Living the Blues
5. Dec 18, 2001: 3-Way Blues Caravan
Down in the Bottom
3. Dec 26, 2015: blues with a feeling
Down in the Bottom, Can't Call You no More, A Soul That's Been Abused, Hidden Charms

Track Listing
1. Hidden Charms   6. Can't Call You no More
2. West Side Soul   7. Blue Guitar
3. A Soul That's Been Abused   8. Down in the Bottom
4. Letter to My Girlfriend   9. Poor Me, Pour Me
5. How Can You Leave Me, Little   10. Living the Blues