Various Artists / Song Creators in Ea..
Album: Song Creators in Ea..   Collection:World
Artist:Various Artists   Added:May 1994

Recent Airplay
1. Jan 22, 2022: Music Casserole
Hyasinths, Tulips, Violets
3. Dec 03, 2008: Orangeasm
A Big Caravan Left Istanbul
2. Jul 26, 2011: at the cafe bohemian
Bolu Bey
4. Dec 16, 2004: Sun in Libra, Moon in Pisces
The Mountains Have Become...

Track Listing
 ArtistTrack Name
1. Murat Cobanoglu Bolu Bey
2. Murat Cobanoglu Dertli Bulbul
3. Seref Tasliova I Am Lovesick Like The...
4. Seref Tasliova Kerem's Praise Song
5. Murat Cobanoglu Kiziroglu
6. Murat Cobanoglu I Know the Seriousness...
7. Seref Tasliova Songs of the Foreigh Land
8. Seref Tasliova A Big Caravan Left Istanbul
9. Seref Tasliova Longing Threw Love on The...
10. Murat Cobanoglu Months, Years
11. Seref Tasliova It Is Said: I Must Go Now
12. Seref Tasliova The Grieving Stranger
13. Rahim Saglam Hey, Hey! You Feathered...
14. Rahim Saglam In this Foreign Land
15. Rahim Saglam Beautiful Girls I Seek
16. Mevlut Safak Ihsani Hey Hey! Are All Mountains..
17. Mevlut Safak Ihsani Hyasinths, Tulips, Violets
18. Rahim Saglam When the Spring Comes
19. Rahim Saglam Bolu Bey
20. Murat Cobanoglu The Mountains Have Become...