Deanta / Ready for the Storm
Album: Ready for the Storm   Collection:World
Artist:Deanta   Added:Sep 1994
Label:Green Linnet  

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 25, 2024: Traditions
The Lakes of Pontchartrain

Track Listing
1. The Mighty Clansmen   7. Let the Hair Sit
2. The Landsdowne Lass   8. The Maid that Sold Her Barly
3. The Lakes of Pontchartrain   9. Eleanor Plunkett
4. An Raib Tu Ag An Gcarraig   10. The Party
5. Hammy's Jigs   11. Redy for the Storm
6. Culloden's Harvest   12. The Rocky Reels
  13. The Benedy Glen