Cardigans, the / Life
Album: Life   Collection:General
Artist:Cardigans, the   Added:Feb 1996
Label:Minty Fresh  

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 24, 2024: Passenger Princess
Gordon's Gardenparty
4. Jan 31, 2007: Eran Mukamel (lean-to)
Celia Inside
2. Jan 23, 2024: flins spins
5. May 04, 2006: Eran Mukamel (yellmo)
Sick & Tired
3. Mar 25, 2023: Advanced Dungeons and Peppers
Sabbath Bloody Sabbath

Track Listing
1. Carnival   8. Tomorrow
2. Daddy's Car   9. Sick & Tired
3. Fine   10. Beautiful One
4. Rise & Shine   11. Gordon's Gardenparty
5. Our Space   12. Hey! Get Out of My Way
6. Celia Inside   13. Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
7. Over the Water   14. Happy Meat